Managing Bacterial Causes of Swimmer’s Ear

Managing Bacterial Causes of Swimmer’s Ear

Ear pain is one of the most common reasons for visits to primary care doctors. Causes include inner ear infections (otitis media), external ear infections (otitis externa), foreign bodies and trauma. Otitis media is the most common cause of ear pain, occurs primarily in young children, peaks during the winter months and is associated with respiratory infections. In contrast, otitis externa is regularly associated with swimming and diving (often called “swimmer’s ear”), affects all ages 7-9 and peaks during the summer.

Modern Medicine – Issue 6 2019

The Discharging Ear A Good History Tells the Story

The Discharging Ear A Good History Tells the Story

A significant number of discharging ear conditions can be diagnosed through taking a history, with the type of discharge (purulent, clear or blood-stained) often signalling the aetiology. Classifying the type of discharge present allows the various common aetiologies to be considered, enabling accurate treatment or referral of the patient.

Modern Medicine – Feb/March 2019

Echinacea Reduces Rhinovirus Infection Rate

Echinacea Reduces Rhinovirus Infection Rate

Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) commonly occurs in both children and adults and is a major cause of mild morbidity. It has a high cost to society, being responsible for absenteeism from school and work and unnecessary medical care and is occasionally associated with serious sequelae. URTIs are usually caused by several families of virus. Of these, rhinoviruses and coronaviruses are responsible for approximately 50-70% of all colds.

Modern Medicine – June/July 2018

Combatting Acute Otitis Externa – Swimmer’s Ear

Combatting Acute Otitis Externa – Swimmer’s Ear – MM1609

Acute otitis externa – swimmer’s ear – is an inflammation of the ear canal. It
can be caused by a variety of bacteria or fungi. Swimmer’s ear is treated with
over the counter ear drops and keeping the ears dry. When a person has had
an episode of acute otitis externa, the chances increase for them to get it again.

Modern Medicine – September 2016

Sound as Part of Cognitive Development and Understanding Brainhearing

Sound as Part of Cognitive Development and Understanding Brainhearing – MM1602

A child’s normal cognitive development is driven by the ability of sensory functions to bring useful information to the brain. By researching the way sensory input affects cognitive development early in life, we are able to provide sound instrumentation that allows sound to be picked up as a dependable source of information for the developing child.

Modern Medicine – February 2016

A Clinical Approach to Allergic Rhinitis

A Clinical Approach to Allergic Rhinitis – MM1511

History is a critical aspect of the assessment process in allergic rhinitis, and provides a framework for interpreting investigations including serum specific IgE and skin test results. Management comprises allergen avoidance, symptomatic drug therapy and allergen-specific immunotherapy, the latter being an effective longterm treatment.

Modern Medicine – November 2015

A Task for All Seasons Alleviating Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis

A Task for All Seasons Alleviating Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis – MM1309

Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is common, impacts significantly on the quality of life of the sufferer and imposes a significant economic burden through loss of productivity. Symptoms may occur all year, seasonally or have seasonal flares depending on the allergen causing them.

Modern Medicine – September 2013

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