
A Clinical Approach to Allergic Rhinitis

A Clinical Approach to Allergic Rhinitis – MM1511

History is a critical aspect of the assessment process in allergic rhinitis, and provides a framework for interpreting investigations including serum specific IgE and skin test results. Management comprises allergen avoidance, symptomatic drug therapy and allergen-specific immunotherapy, the latter being an effective longterm treatment.

Modern Medicine – November 2015

Food Allergies are an Increasing Global Epidemic

Food Allergies are an Increasing Global Epidemic – MM1504

Food allergy is defined as an adverse immune response towards food proteins or as a form of a food intolerance associated with a hypersensitive immune response. Many reported food reactions are not allergic but are in fact intolerances. Food allergy often presents to clinicians as a symptom complex. According to clinical presentations and allergy testing, there are three types of food allergy: immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated, mixed (IgE/Non-IgE), and non-IgE mediated (cellular, delayed type hypersensitivity).

Modern Medicine – April 2015

Epinephrine, First-line Treatment for High-risk Allergic Reactions

Epinephrine, First-line Treatment for High-risk Allergic Reactions – MM1409

Any allergic reaction, including the most extreme form, anaphylaxis, occurs when the body’s immune system reacts inappropriately in response to the presence of a substance that is wrongly perceived as a threat. Anaphylaxis is an acute, potentially life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction, involving the release of mediators from mast cells, basophils and recruited inflammatory cells. Anaphylaxis is defined according to a number of signs and symptoms occurring alone or in combination within minutes or up to a few hours after exposure to a provoking agent.

Modern Medicine – September 2014

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria: Keys to Improving Quality of Life

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria: Keys to Improving Quality of Life – MM1309

The intense pruritus and evanescent skin lesions of urticaria are poorly tolerated by patients, and long-term disease can lead to sleep disturbances, anxiety and reduced quality of life. Non-sedating antihistamines, patient education and psychological support form the basis of management.

Modern Medicine – September 2013

A Task for All Seasons Alleviating Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis

A Task for All Seasons Alleviating Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis – MM1309

Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is common, impacts significantly on the quality of life of the sufferer and imposes a significant economic burden through loss of productivity. Symptoms may occur all year, seasonally or have seasonal flares depending on the allergen causing them.

Modern Medicine – September 2013

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