Atrial Fibrillation: Management of older patients

Atrial Fibrillation: Management of older patients

GPs are central to the long-term primary care management of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), noting that the target population of older people is both expanding and further rapidly ageing, rendering decision-making even more complex. A patient-centred treatment plan should focus on three key goals: detecting AF to enable early treatment initiation, managing the dysrhythmia to optimise cardiac function and prevent symptoms, and preventing thromboembolism to reduce stroke risk. An individualised, evidence-based approach to AF management requires comprehensive assessment of age-related factors to identify treatment goals, the riskbenefit profile of available treatments, and any medication management issues, with documentation of decision-making and regular reassessment to identify any changes. An integrated care approach can help GPs optimise AF management in older people, drawing on the collective expertise and support of the wider healthcare team, particularly as both risk assessments and treatment goals change with increasing age.

Modern Medicine – Issue 1 2023

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